Food Styling and Food Photography Packages.

We have a couple different packages we can offer you check them out below.

Treat Yourself $150

  • On site photographer

  • 1 hour photo session

  • Will photograph each dish as presented to photographer

  • 30 edited phots with drop box link

This One Takes The Cake $250

  • On site photographer

  • 2 hour photo session

  • Will photograph each dish as presented to photographer

  • 100 edited phots with drop box link

You Butter Believe it $450

  • On site photographer

  • 3 hour photo session

  • Grace will Style each dish personally.

  • Chef, owner and staff portraits

  • 150 edited phots with drop box link


Image By Grace Johnson


What is food styling?

Food Styling is the art of arraigning food, so it looks appetizing and stays fresh in front of the camera for long periods of time. It involves preparing and presenting perfect looking food so it can be photographed for various reasons.

What does it take to be a successful Food Stylist?

For starters it is very helpful for a food stylist to have a strong culinary background that helps in solving last minute unwanted problems, which come up during the shoot. A food stylist requires confidence, people skills, ability to work with flair and most importantly an eye for detail. He is also expected to have an artistic bent. It helps in producing wide-ranging results by understanding the vision of the client.